Des Moines Alcohol Rehab

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des moines alcohol rehab

According to research by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse (NIAA), approximately 85 percent of American adults have had at least one drink in their lifetime. Although many people occasionally drink without any serious issues, others develop problems, including abuse and addiction, which can harm their health, relationships and professional status. It is important that individuals suffering with alcohol-related substance abuse get the help that they need.

Benefits of Des Moines Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol rehab treatment programs are designed to improve your overall health. The sessions teach participants techniques designed to encourage a healthier lifestyle and the skills necessary for making better personal decisions that support long-term sobriety. This approach reduces the desire to drink.

Rehab helps you create a support network. The primary benefit of this network is the ability to associate with people who understand your situation and want you to succeed. It can provide the encouragement that you need when dealing with triggers that cause you to drink.

Alcohol rehab programs also treat coexisting mental health problems. Many people who abuse alcohol often struggle with other psychological conditions at the same time. Addiction treatment therapists have specialized training to identify and treat these issues.

Types of Des Moines Alcohol Rehab Programs

Numerous treatment methods are available to assist you with an alcohol abuse disorder. While all rehab facilities offer expert care in safe comfortable surroundings, many do not provide all the available types and level of services. Residential and outpatient programs are the two main types of rehab.

Residential treatment requires you to live at the center for the duration of the program, which depends on the specifics of the program and the severity of your addiction. Residential treatment provides 24-hour support to help you overcome the emotional and physical withdrawal symptoms of addiction. Along with medical experts, your peers provide additional support during group meetings and activities.

Outpatient treatment enables you to go to work, attend school and maintain your obligations at home. Rather than live at the facility, you visit the rehab center for treatment based on your schedule. The frequency of your visits will depend on your needs. The sessions can range from two to six days a week.

While outpatient care offers flexibility and lower cost compared to residential treatment, participants are more susceptible to relapse. It requires more willpower because participants do not have 24-hour supervision. Along with medical care, the extra expense for residential care covers food, lodging and on-site amenities. Although they are more costly, residential treatment programs have a higher rate of long-term sobriety.

What Happens in Alcohol Rehab Centers

Whichever type of rehab you choose, therapy is essential to your recovery. Although you may receive counseling during detox, Des Moines alcohol rehab helps you understand the reasons that you drink. It will also help prepare you for life after treatment by providing strategies to manage stress and prevent relapse.

During counseling, you will work with a therapist to understand and address your emotional and mental condition responsible for your problems. This enables you to identify issues and make the necessary changes. When you commit to therapy and making the required changes, you increase your chances for ongoing sobriety.

Your therapist will use a variety of therapy techniques to achieve this objective. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you change the way you think and feel in challenging situations. This method naturally improves your behavior and reduce the desire to drink.

Visit St. Gregory Recovery Center for Alcohol Rehab

Along with your physical health, excess alcohol use can damage relationships, ruin job opportunities and cause financial ruin. The disease can even take a toll on your spirituality.

St. Gregory Recovery Center provides an exclusive residential program that gives you the tools to repair and rebuild your life. Our treatment includes several services to meet your needs. These include:

The faith-based rehab program that we offer complements our traditional treatment methods. It includes mass for those interested in attending, prayer time and group therapy. This approach helps you discover inner peace and gives you a higher power from which to draw strength throughout your recovery.

Do not let alcohol overwhelm you. Contact St. Gregory Recovery Center and take the first steps on your journey to sobriety.

Recovery starts here:


Our graduates tell their stories…

When first arriving at St. Gregory I had mixed feelings about the health and wellness workouts. I came in at 136 lbs and didn’t think it was possible to reach...
- Chris
The good life is not merely a life free from addictions, physical and/or psychological—addictions that usually are the outward manifestations of deeper problems—but a life lived in harmonious balance, free...
- Matt
I came to St. Gregory’s at my all-time worst—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Having gone through a bad rehab experience once before, I had been very reluctant in succumbing to that...
- CJ
No matter where I start my thought process when reflecting upon my time before, during and after St. Gregory’s, I always seem to end up in the same place in...
- Kaele


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