Packing List
What to Bring & What to Leave at Home

Required Documents for Admission:
- Driver’s license or another picture ID
- Insurance card(s) or a legible copy of current valid card
- Form of payment for your deductible/out of pocket co-pay for your insurance before or on admission unless other arrangements made with admissions staff (you may use an HSA /FSA card, debit or credit card or valid check)
- Form of payment for your Medication Co-pays: HSA /FSA card, debit or credit card or valid check is required to gets medications while at the facility
Safes are provided for valuables for each client individually
Clothing items to pack
- Outfits for 7 days of wear (ex: 7 pairs of sock, 7 pairs of undergarments, etc)
- Workout clothing, as clients go to the gym daily
- Pajamas at least 2-3 sets that can be washed
- A set of work clothing for community service activities (outdoors, cleaning etc)
- Jackets as appropriate for the weather, boots, gloves, hat for cold weather
- Swimsuit attire for sauna and going to the local pool (NO see through or skimpy attire)
- Shoes: flip flops for the sauna/pool, tennis shoes for the gym, comfortable shoes for indoor Hair dryer or other hair tools are fine (no hair dye is allowed)
Personal items to pack
- Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap or Body wash, Deodorant, Hand lotion, make-up, hair-spray Eyeglasses or Readers, Contacts and Contact Solution
- CPAP and accessories (must bring your own distilled water if needed)
- Avoid bringing perfumes/cologne
NO HANDSANITIZER allowed (if brought will be disposed of)
Laundry items to pack
- Laundry detergent in POD form please
- Dryer sheets if you want to use them
- (Laundry baskets are provided)
- You may bring 1 clean blanket and 1 pillow with you but refrain from additional items
Prescription Medications
- Please bring prescription medications with you that you are supposed to take
- All prescription meds Must be in their Original bottles and have Your name on them.
- Do Not bring loose pills or pill boxes full of pills.
- Do Not bring Expired medications
- Controlled medications may be brought only with prior approval from the medical team. This includes narcotics, benzodiazepines, amphetamines (most ADHD meds) and barbiturates.
Over the Counter Medications/Supplements
The following over-the-counter meds are supplied here:
Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Excedrin (or generic), Naproxen, Benadryl, Melatonin, Unisom, lmodium, Tums, Mylanta, Cough drops, stool softeners
Essential oils: you may bring a very limited number of essential oils in new, unopened original marked bottles.
All meds are kept in the nursing office.
- Smoking is allowed in our designated smoking area outside only. This includes cigarettes, cigars, vapes and chew.
- You must provide your own products. (Staff will not buy them for you & please do not ask other clients to buy or give you theirs)
- Cellphones, other personal electronic devices (e.g. laptops, smart watches, etc.) and chargers. Use of these devices is not permitted. You are encouraged to leave them at home. Devices brought to treatment will be stored in a locked, secure area. Please make a list of phone numbers and emails for family and friends you plan to contact while here, as landlines and laptops are available for guests to use.
- Devices that play music only are fine, but must use ear pods or headphones.
- No cameras, no video recorders, no DVD players and no electronic video games are allowed.
- No knives, no pocket knives, no guns, no brass knuckles, no explosives etc.
Other prohibited items
- No Alcohol or drugs of any kind
- No incense, no candles or other burnable items
- No pornography of any kind
- No drug or alcohol related content ie; books, magazines, t-shirts etc

Where to Call Once My Loved One Is Admitted
The number to call once your loved one is admitted to St. Gregory Recovery Center : please call 888-778-5833 then press 2 for other and then press 2 to leave a message for your loved one. These messages are checked throughout the day and evening and any messages are passed along to your loved one.
If you have questions regarding your loved one’s treatment, please direct those questions to your loved one and they can coordinate that with you and their counselor if your loved one chooses. We cannot acknowledge the specifics of their treatment here, as those who answer the phones are not your loved one’s counselor/therapist or medical provider. HIPAA also prevents staff from discussing the treatment of our clients without their permission.
The admissions office number is a crisis line and should only be utilized for such purposes. Once your loved one is admitted, we cannot discuss them or their treatment with any one. Also, due to HIPAA guidelines and regulations, the admissions office cannot pass along messages nor discuss your loved one’s treatment or any aspect of their care once admitted.
In the event there is a major emergency that impacts your loved one, you may call the admissions office if you are unable to contact your loved one by any other means. Please be aware that you must be on your loved one’s approved release of information list as well, or we will be unable to acknowledge they are here.
Call 888-778-5833, then press 2 for other and then press 2 to leave a message for a client.
Keep this paper for yourself as a reference when needing to call your loved one after they have admitted.
St. Gregory Recovery Center Admissions Dept.