Recovery starts here:
Return to Normal
Withdrawal Management
The St. Gregory Recovery Program begins by breaking the cycle of addiction and helping your body to become well enough to recover. Guests requiring detox with St. Gregory Recovery Center are provided safe, soothing, and restful surroundings. Our detoxification team of medical professionals will manage withdrawal symptoms and guide the process of breaking the chemical aspects of addiction.
Change your Thinking
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Emotional responses to circumstances in life can act as triggers to use drugs and alcohol. Cognitive behavior therapy—consistently shown to be the most effective therapeutic method for treatment of substance abuse—shows you how to change your responses to these deeply rooted thought processes. At St. Gregory’s Recovery Center, you’ll learn to better understand stress and anxiety, and you’ll become equipped to handle difficult emotional situations without the use of drugs or alcohol.
Transform Your Life
New Habit Development
The St. Gregory Recovery Program focuses on providing tools needed to build positive habits. With a focus on developing life-transforming habits, learn to become the person that you want to be. Our program draws on tools drawn from positive psychology and the classical view of virtue to direct guests toward building new habits to transform their lives.
RETRAIN Your Brain
Our program is based on a very simple philosophy: Your thoughts turn into your beliefs, your beliefs turn into actions, your actions turn into habits, your habits create your character, and your character defines your life. People need to change their thoughts to reach different outcomes, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT provides the most successful method of changing habits so people can achieve their life goals.
Strengthen Your Body
Health & Wellness
St. Gregory Recovery Center’s health assessment and fitness screening includes a full medical history and physical. These initial assessments provide the framework used to create a fitness plan that works for you.
Support Your Recovery
Relapse Prevention
Our program doesn’t end when you check out. During your stay, we work together to map out a game plan for when you leave. Your Recovery Life Plan will be constructed with a counselor that will be assigned to help you to develop long-term goals, and your action plan to help you accomplish those goals. This resource has been proven invaluable in helping graduates of St. Gregory Recovery Center to maintain the motivation and resilience necessary for a life free from substance abuse. You will also have access to 12 months of Trac9, our relapse prevention program.
Our graduates tell their stories…
Give us a call. We want to help.