Des Moines Drug Rehab

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des moines drug rehab

If you are trying to overcome an addiction to drugs, you are not alone. Drug addiction has reached alarming levels in the United States. Addiction can harm your health, personal relationships and career. It is a leading cause of preventable death. To begin the journey toward wellness and a life without relying on drugs, it is essential that you get the help you need.

Benefits of Drug Rehab

Des Moines drug rehab is designed to enhance physical health and emotional well-being. Therapy teaches you techniques that promote a better lifestyle as well as the skills required to make better decisions. Treatment programs reduce the cravings so that you can live without these dangerous substances.

Rehab also helps you develop a supportive network of friends, family members and others going through recovery that are committed to helping you achieve the goal of clean living. In addition to being a positive influence in your life, they can provide encouragement and support when you are dealing with difficult situations that prompt the desire to use drugs.

Drug treatment programs can also treat other existing mental health issues. Individuals who become dependent on drugs often suffer from other psychological problems. Addiction rehab therapists have specific training in identifying and handling these conditions.

Des Moines Rehab Programs

Several treatment options are available for people dealing with an addiction to drugs. While all treatment facilities provide skilled care in a safe comfortable environment, they may not offer the same type and level of services, such as residential and outpatient programs.

Residential treatment programs require you to stay on-site during your recovery. It provides around-the-clock support that you need to conquer the physical and emotional symptoms of withdrawal. Along with the trained medical staff, your peers can offer support during meetings and group activities.

Outpatient treatment programs enable you to live at home. You can attend school, go to work and handle personal obligations. Instead of living on-site, you will visit the treatment center based on a predetermined schedule built around your specific needs.

Although outpatient care provides more flexibility and a lower cost, it requires that you have more self-control. Because you will not have access to 24-hour supervision, there is an increased risk of relapse. Along with lodging and medical care, the additional cost for residential treatment covers food and amenities that make your stay more enjoyable. While treatment in a residential setting is more expensive, it delivers a higher long-term success rate.

What Happens in a Des Moines Drug Treatment Center?

Regardless of the Des Moines drug rehab you prefer, therapy is an important component of your recovery. During counseling, therapists will help you to understand and tackle the mental and emotional conditions causing your addiction. This allows you to identify and make the required changes in your life. The strategies that you learn will help prepare you for a new life after your treatment. You will be better equipped to handle stress and avoid a relapse. Committing to therapy and choosing to make constructive lifestyle changes increases your chances of living drug free.

Therapists may use various methods to achieve success based on your individual circumstances. Cognitive behavioral therapy encourages you to develop new approaches to problem-solving and change how you feel and think in certain situations. This treatment method encourages positive behavior while reducing the cravings to use drugs.

St. Gregory Recovery Center for Drug Rehab

Drug abuse and addiction can ruin your health, damage relationships and cause significant financial problems. The disease may even cause your spirituality to suffer.

St. Gregory Recovery Center offers a residential treatment program that provides the tools you need to repair and reclaim your life. Treatment includes a variety of programs and services, such as:

Our faith-based drug rehab program complements conventional treatment methods. In addition to group therapy and prayer time, it includes religious services. This approach enables you to discover an inner peace. It also helps you to focus on a higher power from which you can gain strength during the recovery process.

Do not allow drug addiction to destroy your life. If you need drug rehab Des Moines, contact St. Gregory Recovery Center. Our professional staff is dedicated to your recovery.

Recovery starts here:


Our graduates tell their stories…

When first arriving at St. Gregory I had mixed feelings about the health and wellness workouts. I came in at 136 lbs and didn’t think it was possible to reach...
- Chris
The good life is not merely a life free from addictions, physical and/or psychological—addictions that usually are the outward manifestations of deeper problems—but a life lived in harmonious balance, free...
- Matt
I came to St. Gregory’s at my all-time worst—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Having gone through a bad rehab experience once before, I had been very reluctant in succumbing to that...
- CJ
No matter where I start my thought process when reflecting upon my time before, during and after St. Gregory’s, I always seem to end up in the same place in...
- Kaele


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