How to Find the Right Recovery Center for You

How to Find the Right Recovery Center for You, handsome young man on his mobile phone and laptop - recovery center

Getting Help

So you’ve taken a positive step: you’ve decided to get help for your substance abuse disorder, and you’re looking for the right facility to accompany you to sobriety and independence.

A simple Google search reveals the large number of drug and alcohol rehab centers available, whether you want to stay near your home or getaway for the duration of treatment. It can feel overwhelming to browse through websites and ads, so we offer here some criteria to guide your search.

Top Criteria for An Addiction Recovery Center

  • One which works with the disease model of addiction.
    A recovery center should espouse the disease model of addiction, meaning that they see addiction as a chronic disease that can be successfully managed long-term with the right kind of treatment and support. A reputable center will not promise a “cure” for addiction or boast low relapse rates. Addiction is a chronic illness with a relapse rate of about 40-60 percent. Relapse does not mean the treatment failed; it’s simply a sign that the treatment plan needs to be adjusted.
  • One which offers both individual and group counseling by professional therapists.
    Therapy is the foundation of treatment for substance use disorders, and individual therapy is especially crucial. Ask whether the facility offers individual therapy and how often a client can expect to meet with their therapist.
  • One which treats co-occurring disorders.
    Ask the admissions counselor at the facility whether the staff are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat any mental health disorders that might accompany the substance use disorder. Depression and anxiety are two common mental health disorders that often go undiagnosed and that lead people to drugs and alcohol as a form of self-medication. Substance use disorders can also trigger the onset of mental health disorders, and the staff at the facility should know how to recognize the presence of a mental health issue and treat it in conjunction with the substance use disorder.
  • One which offers some form of aftercare.
    Recovery doesn’t end when treatment ends. Treatment in a professional facility is just the first step in a lifetime of recovery. The newly recovered individual will need a strong support system, usually including therapy, recovery groups, and support from loved ones. An intensive outpatient program (IOP) can be an ideal next step following residential treatment. Many facilities also offer free participation in an alumni group that allows clients to maintain and nurture relationships with people they met in treatment. These lifelong connections will stimulate you, hold you accountable, and encourage you to stay in control.
  • One which accepts your insurance or can provide financial aid.
    This is an easy one, as most facility websites either list the insurances they accept or offer to help you investigate whether you have coverage and how much you have. Some facilities will offer financial aid to those who do not have full insurance coverage.
  • One which offers support for family members.
    Addiction is a family disease and affects everyone who loves the person suffering from it. Ask whether the facility has a family program that allows families to meet with a therapist to learn about addiction, practice effective communication, and prepare to support their loved one after treatment.
  • One which is accredited and reputable.
    Accreditation by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) International can give you the confidence that the facility is committed to “continually improving services, encouraging feedback, and serving the community.
  • Visit the Facility: Whenever possible, visit the facility in person to get a sense of the environment, the amenities, and the overall atmosphere.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the treatment approach, success rates, and any concerns you may have. A reputable recovery center should be open and transparent in providing information.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a center where you feel comfortable, safe, and supported.

We Want to Help

If you are looking for a facility near Bayard, Iowa, contact us here at St. Gregory Recovery Center. We have been CARF accredited for three years, and our professional staff members and therapists offer compassion and support in a non-judgmental environment.

What does CARF accredited mean?

CARF accreditation involves a rigorous evaluation process that assesses the quality and effectiveness of services provided by the organization seeking accreditation. This evaluation process includes on-site visits, interviews with staff and clients, a review of policies and procedures, and a thorough examination of the organization’s adherence to CARF’s standards of excellence.

When a facility or organization receives CARF accreditation, it demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality services, a dedication to continuous improvement, and a focus on meeting the needs and expectations of the individuals it serves. CARF-accredited organizations are held to specific standards that are designed to enhance the overall quality of care and services in the respective field.

Questions about Health Insurance Coverage?

St. Gregory Recovery Center accepts most private insurance policies. Medicare and Medicaid are not accepted. Please provide the information below or call a St. Gregory Recovery Center admissions team member at 888-919-2880 to help us verify insurance coverage. Your employer will not be contacted.

What makes us different from other treatment centers?  At St. Gregory’s we promise an innovative, compassionate, and scientific approach to your personal journey of recovering from substance abuse. We recognize that choosing a facility can be daunting. That’s why you urge you to call us, speak to a real person, and put your mind at ease.

Are you or a loved on searching for addiction treatment in Bayard, Iowa? To learn more about programs offered at St. Gregory Recovery Center, call and speak with someone today, at (888) 778-5833.


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