Trusting God in Addiction Treatment and Recovery

person holding hand out in front of them, palm up - trusting God in addiction treatment and recovery

You’re Not Alone: Trusting God in Addiction

You know how it is. Those easier days keep you going because you are relieved to reach the end of the day without mishap. That’s when you begin to think it’s not so bad. Maybe you can handle this after all. It feels as if you don’t even need any help.

Then there are the other days. From beginning to end, those days are a struggle, with nothing going as it should. Even worse, figuring out how to make things right always seems just beyond your grasp, leaving you overwhelmed, frustrated and even a bit frightened. It’s on those days that you know you can’t continue much longer. Aware that you’re losing the battle, you’re also powerless to fight back.

That’s the nature of addiction. Overpowering and all-consuming, it takes over your life, dictating everything from your relationships to your eating and sleeping habits, and so much more. It’s exhausting. So, here’s the question: Aren’t you weary of the struggle?

While the better days may lull you into believing you have everything under control for the moment, the truth is that you don’t… and you never will. When you’re struggling with addiction, it’s the addiction that is always in control. What’s more, going it alone is a losing battle, one that continually tears at you mentally, emotionally and physically. The struggle is simply too much.

We understand and we want to help. We want you to know that by placing your trust in God, you can succeed. Not by yourself, but with God. By trusting God in addiction treatment and recovery, you will feel his grace and love along the way.

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Are You Willing to Trust?

Facing that struggle is difficult. That’s why we come along with you on the journey. It’s a journey away from addiction and back to your real self, to the life you’ve longed to have. All you have to do is trust — trust yourself to achieve this victory, trust us to walk beside you, trust God to bring you through it.

God makes no mistakes. You are not a mistake, and you finding us at St. Gregory Recovery Center is not a mistake. We, a faith-based, are here to help you along the way, but by placing your trust in Jesus, you are allowing Him to work in you and through you. God loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). Despite all you have experienced, and anything you may have done, Jesus’ love for you is unshakable and conditional.

You can trust Him to be with you in your addiction recovery. Trust Him to lift the burden from your shoulders, to stand with you in this battle, to be that friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).

Trusting God in Addiction

What does trusting God really mean? It’s relinquishing your addiction, and all that goes with it, to God. It’s believing that He can and will take care of you. It really is that simple.

Yes, it means admitting that you can’t handle this alone. The fact is that you never could handle it alone; now you are admitting it to yourself. Surrendering your misery, you choose to believe that God will catch you if you fall, that He will not abandon you nor betray you, that He really is who He says He is. That’s trust.

The blessing is that God is trustworthy. So trust Him. Trust Him with your addiction, with your recovery, with your life. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you ask (Ephesians 3:20). Just ask and then trust God.

Together with God and St. Gregory Recovery Center, you will be given the power to overcome addiction.


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