Relapse Prevention after Iowa Drug Rehab
When a person enters an Iowa drug rehab facility, he or she looks for help with an addiction problem. A rehab facility is a useful tool achieve long-term sobriety. It offers a safe haven so that a patient can concentrate on getting away from drugs and alcohol and begin the journey to a life of sobriety. After leaving our Iowa drug rehab center, we hope that all of our patients follow a few tips so that they enjoy a future that is free from substance abuse.
Prevent a Physical Relapse
At our faith-based rehab facility, our staff is dedicated to providing care that begins with a thorough detox process. We help to flush patients’ bodies, which often results in withdrawal side effects like nausea, aches, chills, and fever. To make things easier, we offer compassionate support during this period. To ensure relapse prevention, we create a unique plan for each client based on his or her needs. This may include medication to compress cravings. After leaving rehab, it is vital for an addict to keep taking prescribed medications so that a relapse does not occur.
Prevent an Emotional Relapse
Commonly, an emotional relapse is the most difficult to prevent. A person is most likely to start using again during times of stress or when they return to a certain place or group of people. Other major life events may make a person want to go back to drugs or alcohol as well. For example, when an individual is lonely or depressed, the urge to use may creep back. During a stay at our rehab, patients are taught effective ways to cope and deal with negative feelings by diverting that energy to a better place. For instance, a person may learn to relax by exercising, getting a massage, or spending time with a supportive loved one.
One of the best forms of natural relaxation is meditation. Yoga and deep breathing techniques calm the mind and bring a sense of inner peace. Keeping your brain occupied helps to prevent a relapse. When the situation has been positively navigated, a reward can be enjoyed. When a person avoids the urge to use, he or she should enjoy a delicious meal or treat themselves to a movie or fun activity. We provide the chance to grow in faith as well.
Prevent a Mental Relapse
Mental cravings can be a challenge to overcome, but are entirely possible with the right support. Unfortunately, there is no permanent way to detox your mind and keep cravings from bringing you back to drugs or alcohol. While in rehab, a patient will receive therapy that teaches an addict how to cope when his or her brain is craving drugs or alcohol. However, it is not always possible to do the right thing without help.
In times of mental relapse, it is vital to have a trusted support system in place. Whether you turn to a support group, professional therapist, friend, or family member, it is essential to have guidance to encourage you on your path to sobriety. By having support and using techniques to avoid relapse, recovering addicts will receive empowerment so that they can avoid feelings of helplessness.
Another smart way to prevent mental relapse is by keeping busy. When you pack your schedule with productive activities, you have little time to dwell on taking drugs or drinking alcohol. Find a fun hobby or get some extra work done so that there is no reason to lean on other substances to get through the day.
Mistakes Happen
No one is perfect, and mistakes may happen. However, this does not mean that rehab is a waste of time or that it is impossible to get back on the right path. When a person has had the opportunity to experience a solid rehab program, it is a bit easier to return to the world of sobriety. Using learned techniques and staying in contact with counselors will keep things on a positive track.
At St. Gregory, a top rated Iowa drug rehab, we establish plans based on individual needs that involve relapse prevention. While patients are still in treatment, we develop and teach ways that help them curb the pressure to return to drugs or alcohol. This provides a set course of action and gives them the tools to deal with life outside of our facility, which is a key part of long-term sobriety. When choosing a rehab, it is essential to find a place that prepares a recovering addict to face everyday challenges and that offers solutions when cravings or temptations strike.
As you begin your journey to recovery, let our Iowa drug rehab staff help you to deal with your addiction problems and to prevent relapse. For more information, call us today.