How to Choose the Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facility

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Admitting you need help is not high on the list of things anyone wants to do.

Ever. From the time we’re children, it has been a constant desire to “prove” one’s abilities independent of others’ influence and assistance. From walking to choosing clothes to cooking a meal for someone else, there are things that we want to be able to handle ourselves.

Overcoming a substance use problem is not something anyone can handle alone.

However, our human nature and ego have an opinion on that, and it forces many suffering addictions to resist treatment—at times even despite their own better judgment. It’s just so difficult to admit to needing help.

As a society, we have made strides in recognizing substance use disorders and addiction as a disease in recent years. This push was directed toward the non-addicted to help them understand the difficulties in overcoming and finding recovery, but there was an equally-important side effect: those with addictions and substance use problems had an “excuse” to seek treatment without fear of judgment.

We go to the doctor or seek out advice when something is making us ill. If a tooth hurts, we see a dentist. If we can’t see correctly, we visit an optometrist to get glasses. None of these are things we can correct on our own, as it takes training and skill to diagnose and treat the problems. It makes perfect sense to seek out treatment to overcome a substance use disorder instead of trying to handle it on one’s own.

Staff and Accreditation

As a nationally-accredited recovery center, St. Gregory has much to offer guests from all walks of life and every corner of the country. The Addiction Resource (by Delphi Health Group) website listed St. Gregory Recovery Center as one of the top 5 best rehabs in Iowa, and for good reason. The program utilized is considered the only of its kind combining the crucial, evidence-based recovery elements including:

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Neurocognitive Therapy (Cognitive Skills Training)
  • Behavior Modification Training
  • Comprehensive Life Planning
  • Health and Wellness Program
  • Recovery Life Coaching

By partnering with a local hospital, they can offer safe detoxification under the care of a team of physicians, nurses, and health professionals capable of managing the withdrawal process. Staff are trained to help with all the myriad facets of substance use disorders and possible coexisting conditions.

Advanced Treatment Alternatives to 12-Step Programs

Not all treatments are cut from the same cloth. There are many 12-Step programs that are used by facilities to help break the cycle of addiction, but these types of treatment aren’t for everyone. Just as different people learn new skills in different ways, different people will learn recovery in different ways.

The methods employed by St Gregory Recovery Center are tailored to suit each individual guest that comes through the doors. There are many aspects and varieties to the life-skill learning taking place, and each person coming for treatment can receive care that matches their unique needs, beliefs, values, and desires.

By focusing on the root cause of each individual’s substance use, these evidence-based methods help discover and eventually overcome those “triggers” that will lead to possible relapse. In this way, recovery is looked at as a permanent possibility for each guest entering St. Gregory’s treatment. This process will completely cover the choices needed to remain sober and teach tools for employing them after leaving the treatment facility.

Regardless of age, the staff of St. Gregory will take each individual through a journey of self-discovery and healing. From teens to seniors, the various struggles for each demographic are nothing the capable life coaching can’t work through. Because of the adaptability of the treatment utilized, it can be tailored to suit any guest’s unique needs.

Promoting a Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit

Part of the program offered at St. Gregory centers on health and wellness. When you feel better, you have a better outlook. Hence, an important part of recovery is ensuring the body feels good and is well taken care of.

Along with the body, the staff at St. Gregory believes that the emotional and spiritual needs of a person also need to be taken into consideration. There are religious and non-religious paths to follow when finding recovery at St. Gregory, but the care and devotion of their staff never varies.

Choosing a treatment center is difficult, but knowing the staff share your values and will take your religious/spiritual needs into account when helping you through the difficulties of rehabilitation is something you don’t need to shy away from. Your faith and its ability to hold you accountable as well as motivate you are important factors in your successful recovery.

While it is certainly not a requirement for guests to be Christian, it opens a wider path of communication when those who are Christians feel free to discuss their beliefs and struggles without prejudice.

Complete Aftercare Planning

Largely the most important part of any recovery program is how it can be carried out after leaving the inpatient treatment center. At St. Gregory, you will receive life planning and recovery life coaching. These skills, combined with the tools you gain through the rest of the program, show incredible success for those graduating from treatment.

The goal is always to work for a life free from relapses. There are a variety of self-awareness and life skills learned through the specialized treatment of St. Gregory Recovery Center that are geared to help target those weak moments and guide you through those times largely unscathed. The last phase of treatment is a gateway to a new life.

Plans and goals for the future are discussed so that each guest leaves the center with a well-constructed plan. This advanced preparation gives the assurance of a confident transition back into life outside rehab.

Environment and Aesthetics

Situated in the rural countryside of west-central Iowa, St. Gregory Recovery Center is a place of serenity and peacefulness. It is a comfortable facility that gives guests seeking recovery a home-like setting in which to learn how to move forward in their sober journey.

Being in a comfortable setting, surrounded by the calming countryside is a grand backdrop for healing. When your mind is at ease, clarity of thinking comes more easily. The healing of the mind and spirit are just as—if not even more—important as the bodily healing that needs to come after one gives up a life of substance use. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and clinical during this emotionally-tumultuous time, guests at St. Gregory are made to feel comforted and calm.

Insurance Coverage

Most private insurance policies cover treatment at St. Gregory. If you are unsure about your coverage, feel free to contact an admissions team member who will gladly look into your insurance coverage.

There are many things to consider when seeking out treatment for a substance use disorder. In choosing St. Gregory Recovery Center, every aspect of your being will be considered in the path toward permanent recovery. Your body will be healed and nourished, your mind will be taught ways to deal with life management without the use of substances, and your spirit will be fed encouragement and faith—in God and in yourself.

Everyone deserves a life free from the struggles of substance use. Choose a life of freedom and healing for yourself or your loved one today.

To learn more about programs offered at St. Gregory Recovery Center, call and speak with someone today, at (888) 778-5833. Find out why St. Gregory is the best Iowa rehab for you or your loved one.


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